Serving those serving our communities and their families

Anchor Therapy Clinic stands for a pillar of hope providing stability and strength so
our heroes can ground themselves at the end of their daily journeys.

Headquartered in the heart of California with numerous satellite locations, Anchor Therapy Clinic specializes in the first responder, medical and veteran communities as well as their families. Our ground breaking approaches allow our team to specialize in issues that hit home including trauma, family dynamics, and animal based therapies. Whether you’re a Marine, law enforcement officer, firefighter, veteran, or a family member of a first responder or military service member, we are here to assist you in finding hope. We wish to assist you and your families in giving you a chance at a more normal life and thrive in the world. We bring extensive experience and professionalism to every situation and customize our support to your individual needs and concerns.

Research Programs

Anchor Therapy Clinic is dedicated to the advancement of mental health for trauma and our Veteran and First-Responder communities. We are constantly engaged in psychological research and even offer opportunities for young researchers to participate. These are current focuses of research:

  • Service animals effectiveness on treating Trauma

  • Therapeutic cultural competence for the Veteran and First-Responder communities

  • Using social constructs to treat trauma and build resiliency

  • Veteran and First-Responder training to combat trauma

Contact us to learn more.